Monday, December 1, 2008


After all, Thanksgiving wasn't what i expected it to be. Having family time is most important thing I look forward to every year when thanksgiving is coming around. This year it didn't affect me the same way it had done past years, most of my family went away, and all of my cousins within my age range wasn't there to celebrate with me. The only thing i had left to think about was being thankful for a loving family, caring friends, and waking up everyday to live another day. Genocide did not come up as a topic on thanksgiving, although i did think about the people who lost their lives and sacrificed, the pilgrims. Simply, a holiday like Thanksgiving is for individuals to give thanks family and friends and spin time with their families as it becomes a ritual each and every Thanksgiving. To me, Thanksgiving helps individuals overcome past struggles and grow into a new person by spending time with the people they love. This often helps one to believe that they are living a good and meaningful life by sharing their love.

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